What Type of Exercise You Can Do?

By now you already know the difference between exercise and physical activity. And the numerous benefits of exercise for your body, brain and skin. We discussed that in detail in our last article. Now let’s talk about the different types of exercises, how do they differ and what do they do in terms of your health and fitness. Let’s go through them one by one.

1. Aerobic Exercise

The first type of exercise is cardio respiratory or aerobic exercise. Which in general is any type of exercise that raises your heartbeat. Your respiratory and cardiovascular systems work together to deliver oxygen you breathe in to all parts of your body. And doing regular cardio exercise sessions strengthens both of these systems. And also many of the organs in these systems. Now we have different types of cardio exercises. And they’re usually based on heart rate and exertion levels.

Steady-State Cardio

Steady-state cardio is keeping a constant pace for a specific distance or duration. Such as walking or jogging. Even performing everyday tasks such as cleaning the house, walking the dog or working in the yard can be considered a moderate form of cardio.

Interval Training

It is another type of cardio exercise. Where you, maybe walk for three minutes and jog for 30 seconds. Repeating this cycle for a specific time period.

Circuit Training

It can also be a form of cardio. Combining some strength exercises with cardio based exercises. For instance for exercises side-to-side hops, side dumbbell raises, lunges and push-ups. You can take short rest between the exercises. Or do the complete circuit and take a rest. And then do the circuit again.

High Intensity Interval Training

More advanced athletes can do head or high intensity interval training. An example of this would be to maybe sprint for 20 seconds then walk for 20 seconds. And repeat this cycle for say eight bouts. This would be a one to one ratio. And the ratio can be changed as many athletes do a two to one ratio sprinting for 30 seconds than walking for 15 seconds.

2. Resistance Strength

The next type of exercise is strength or resistance strength. Which in general is any type of exercise that requires a muscle or group of muscles to exert force. Resistance training can help improve

  • Strength
  • Stamina
  • Increase bone density
  • Improve sleep

And it can also make many everyday tasks easier. Such as climbing up stairs or carrying groceries into the house.

Ways To Perform Strength Training

There are many different types of ways to perform strength training exercises. You can use free weights such as dumbbells. Which are also very efficient as they allow for a full range of motion. And also work more, stabilizing muscles. Resistance bands are very versatile. All you need to use them is something to wrap them around. Which in many cases can be your own body. Bands are great at providing what is called progressive resistance. Which means they provide an increase in resistance throughout the range of motion of the exercise.

Exercise machines provide another way to do resistance training. Most of these machines are based on a cable pulley system to provide the resistance. Body weight exercises are another way to perform resistance training. And in these types of exercises your body is providing resistance against gravity. There are many other ways to perform strength training exercises. Such as with medicine balls suspension trainers and exercise balls.

3. Flexibility Exercises

Flexibility exercises are the stretching of muscles and tendons. To improve joint range of motion and physical function. There are many types of stretches to improve flexibility. With the two most popular being:

  • Static stretches
  • Dynamic stretches

Static Stretches

Static stretches consist of slow movements into a peak position than holding that position.

Dynamic Stretches

Dynamic stretches is moving parts of the body through a full range of motion while slowly increasing the reach or speed of the movement.

4. Balance Training

The next type of exercise is balance training. Having good balance can help to prevent falls. And injuries and improve neuromuscular connections. It also improves athletic performance. And make many everyday movements easier.

Types Of Balance Training

There are three main types of balance training. Stationary balance, motion balance and offset balance.

Stationary Balance

It is when your body is not in motion so standing still on both feet requires balance. Doing alternating movements like alternating curls or side raises or single leg are some examples. Exercises such as standing on one foot and holding the other foot off the ground. Or even doing single leg arm curls can help improve stationary balance.

Motion Balance

It is exactly what it sounds like. The ability to balance yourself during movement. A great example of this is lunges. Doing a front lunge where you step forward or especially a back lunge. It requires a great deal of balancing. Coordination box or platform jumps are another movement that requires balance.

Offset Balances

Where one side of your body holds a weight or each side of your body holds a different amount of weight. So doing a single arm side raise is an offset balance exercise. Or doing your lunge while holding a dumbbell on one side of your body is a combination of offset and motion balance.

5. Coordinated Movements

The next type of exercise is coordinated movements. Which is the ability to use different parts of the body together smoothly and efficiently. Using your hands and foot to drive a car or walking and scrolling through your phone are a couple examples of coordinated movements. A few exercises to improve coordination include tossing a ball against the wall and catching it as it returns to you.

Dribbling a basketball while jogging and alternating hands. Kicking a ball against the wall and stopping it as it returns to you. Doing jumping lunges alternating feet is also an example. And you can even combine strength training movements like doing a squat to an arm curl to a shoulder press. Or a bent over row to a kickback. To help improve coordination. Both balancing coordination are neuro motor exercises that really strengthen your ability to move easier and more efficiently.

However many people overlook these type of exercises in their workout routines. So you need to make sure you’re not neglecting it. Alright folks that’s a wrap for this article hopefully you’re doing everything you can.

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