Warning Signs You Have Vitamin D Deficiency - Food Life Book

Warning Signs You Have Vitamin D Deficiency

When you talk about vitamin D deficiency, the first thing that people think about is osteoporosis. And fractures or loss of bone density. Far from it in this article, you will be surprised as to how many diseases people suffer that are directly related to vitamin D deficiency. Read till the end to learn more. Because you may already have some of the symptoms and don’t even know it.

How important is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D deficiency is a health issue that is hiding in plain sight. Many people don’t realize that they are deficient. Because the symptoms are very subtle. It’s not easily recognizable. This is especially true since people may just pass off symptoms as a common occurrence. Or attribute them to other more obvious factors. Approximately 1 billion people worldwide are suffering from vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is very important since it affects several bodily systems unlike other vitamins, it acts like a hormone. And it’s needed by almost every single cell in our body.

Where Can You Find It?

It is produced by our body from cholesterol when our skin gets exposed to sunlight. It is also found in certain sea foods. Such as tuna, salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, cod liver oil, shrimp and oysters.

Additionally you can get it from beef, liver, cheese, egg yolks. And fortified dairy products. It is very difficult however to get the recommended daily intake of 400 to 800 international units from diet alone.

Following are 10 warning signs. You would have a vitamin D deficiency if you experienced these. And suspect that you lack this essential vitamin. Put extra effort into increasing it in your diet. Or consult with your doctor about taking a high-quality supplement.

Sleep Disorder

Vitamin D deficiency may also contribute to sleep disorders. Researchers have found that supplements with vitamin D helped patients with sleep disorders to be able to sleep faster and longer. Compared to others who are not taking the supplements.

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Easily Getting Sick

If you easily getting sick or infected, one reason could be vitamin D deficiency. Why? Because vitamin D is one of the body’s Guardians against bacteria and viruses that cause illnesses. One of its primary functions is to boost the body’s immune system. If you easily catch a cold or the common flu. That may be a sign that you are perennially low in vitamin D. And you may need to bolster your daily vitamin D intake to reinforce your body’s defense system.

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Chronic Pain

A study conducted by researchers from a university in Switzerland showed that 71 percent of their patients suffering from chronic pain were deficient in vitamin D. Pain manifested not just in their bones and lower backs. But in other parts of their bodies as well. Researchers connected this finding with the fact that vitamin D interacts with pain sensing nerve cells in our body. Which could have alleviated the pain if the patients had enough vitamin D in their system.

Constantly Feeling Tired

Constantly feeling tired and fatigued for no reason? You could be deficient in Vitamin D. Although fatigue may be due to several factors. With stress usually the prime suspect. Vitamin D is often overlooked as one of the causes. Several studies have proven that very low vitamin D levels in the body is directly linked to the fatigue. And it negatively impacts their quality of life.


Several studies have also found a direct correlation between low levels of vitamin D in the blood with bouts of depression among older adults. This can be easily remedied by taking supplements. To boost the body’s vitamin D level. And avert the onset of depression.

Lower Back Pain

Vitamin D facilitates the body’s absorption of calcium. Which is essential for bone health. Thus when you are experiencing bone and chronic lower back pain. That may be a sign of insufficient vitamin D levels in your bloodstream. This can come intermittently or manifest itself as chronic pain.

Signs of Bone Loss

There is a connection between low vitamin D levels in the blood and low bone mineral density. So ensuring that you always have optimum vitamin D levels in your system is an excellent strategy. To protect bone mass and minimize the risk of possible bone fracture.

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Slow Healing of Wounds

A study by researchers from the University of Alberta reveals that vitamin D is crucial in the production of certain compounds. That are vital in the formation of new skin as part of the healing process. A deficiency in vitamin D will seriously impair the body’s capacity to heal wounds. Which is vital especially for those who have just undergone surgery or suffered a significant injury.

Hair Loss due to Vitamin D Deficiency

There are many contributing factors to hair loss. Which include stress, aging and poor diet. Researches reveals that vitamin D deficiency also plays an essential role in hair loss. Especially among women.

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Cognitive Disorders

Vitamin D is essential for our nervous system. And the healthy regulation of our brain functions. Vitamin D deficiency has been noted among patients who have Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s schizophrenia, anxiety and depression. It was further pointed out that cognitive impairment is more likely to happen among adults who are low in vitamin D. Compared to those who are having an adequate supply of Vitamin D in their system.


Vitamin D deficiency may be more common than we think. But most people overlook this because the symptoms are very subtle. And could also be caused by more common factors. If you were experiencing some of the ten warning signs. Then chances are that you have a vitamin D deficiency. You should visit your physician and have your blood tested to be sure. Fortunately this is a fairly easy problem to address. To boost your vitamin D levels you need to get out in the Sun more, incorporate more vitamin D rich foods in your diet. Or purchase some supplements which are widely available in the market.

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