How To Prevent Hair Damage

Hair damage and hair fall can be devastating especially when you have no idea what’s causing it and how to stop it. So, if you do have really frizzy, dry, dehydrated and just really damaged hair, there are some amazing tips that I’m gonna share today. So let’s jump right on to the hair damaging…

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Healthy hair

12 Essential Nutrients For Hair Health

When it comes to your hair there’s several things that you can do to make it healthier thicker and even grow faster. Such as hair mask and other topical treatments. But the truth is that there’s no topical treatment that’s going to work for you in the long term. If you have an underlying nutritional…

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Healthy lifestyle

How Your Lifestyle Impacts Your Skin Health?

We kick started the healthy skin series with a diet and nutrition article. That to me is the foundation of healthy skin and today we’re going to continue. We’re gonna talk about lifestyle and how it has an impact on your skin health. Anyway let’s talk about the lifestyle. 1. Reduce Stress The first tip…

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Diet fro healthy skin

What Does Your Diet Tell About Your Skin Health?

Healthy skin in my opinion is a combination of different factors diet, lifestyle and skin care. In today’s are we’re kick-starting a two-part skin care series. Today we’re gonna talk about diet and nutrition and how it effects your skin. Let’s dive into the tips. These tips will be mainly for reducing things like: Redness…

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