Hair damage and hair fall can be devastating especially when you have no idea what’s causing it and how to stop it. So, if you do have really frizzy, dry, dehydrated and just really damaged hair, there are some amazing tips that I’m gonna share today. So let’s jump right on to the hair damaging habits that you might be making on a daily basis.
What causes hair damage?
There a number of habits that can cause hair damage. Let’s start off by talking about the most obvious one, which is chemical damage.
Will Coloring Your Hair damage them?
Bleaching your hair is another extreme level of damage. And then doing a perm definitely does kill your hair. So they do this by opening up the hair bonds and cuticles. And depositing the hair color and the chemical treatment inside the hair so the hair stays that way.

So you end up with frizzier, dry, dehydrated hair. And that’s because you compromised the environment that protects the hydration. But once you stop everything your hair will get back to a really healthy and happy state.
Which type of Water damage hair?
The second hair damaging habit might come to a surprise to you guys and that is water damage. And yes, that is a thing it’s something really important to be more mindful of when it comes to water damage. There are mainly two different factors that come into this:
- The quality of water
- The length of exposure to the water
1. Quality of Water
Starting from the quality of water. I’m talking about hard water versus soft water. You might have heard of this if you do live in an area where it has hard waters. If you wash your dishes and it’s left with soap, scum or the spotty dishes. You’re probably living in an area where it has hard water. And this can actually really be detrimental to your hair health and the skin health in general
Because the hard water has a naturally higher pH. And most importantly the mineral buildup in the hard water makes it really difficult for shampoos to sufficiently lather up and wash away. So your hair may feel really dry and frizzy after the wash, same with your skin. On the other hand soft water can make your hair feel a little bit greasy.
What to do if your hair are damaged?
So remember if you have some serious hair damage, it’s still not the end of the day. There are mainly two tips that I can highly recommend.
Try Vinegar Rinse
Number one is doing a vinegar rinse or an acid rinse. This is more popularized by European countries because of the nature of their water. There are a lot of hair vinegar’s out there that you can easily buy off the shelf. But if you want to create your own Vinegar rinse. What you can do is to dilute apple cider into water to rinse your hair. Make sure it’s not too acidic that would damage your hair. Restoring your hair Naturals pH is very crucial. Because it’ll balance it back to making your hair cuticles packed tighter. Making them smoother, shinier and a lot healthier.

Install a Water Softener
Number two is to install a water softener on the tap. I know this is a little bit more of an investment. You don’t need it if you don’t have a crucial hair condition or a skin condition. But if you do have someone in your household or your family that does suffer from eczema, water softener might be a really great option.

2. Exposure to Water
The second point in the water damage category is long exposure to the water. So long shower hot shower is definitely not a good thing for your hair. It causes a condition in which your hair swell up by opening up the hair bonds and the cuticles. So it’s more vulnerable, it’s weaker and more prone to damage in that state. So it is definitely true that once your hair is wet. It disrupts some of the bonds of your hair. The damage happens when it goes over that limit. When you have wet hair you can cause damage without realizing by combing your wet hair or doing a hair styling on wet hair.
Heat damage
Remember that hair is mostly protein and what breaks down protein is heat. Especially if you do already have damaged hair putting heat is more like putting a fire on a match tip. So what you can do is reduce the amount of the time and exposure to heat. If you are styling your hair with a hair straightener hair curling iron definitely keep the time short.

Product Damage
The third hair damaging habit is definitely product damage. The most detrimental thing to your hair is shampooing too often. So tip number one is to extend between washes as long and as much as possible. From every single day to every second day and so. And the interesting thing is that your hair can adjust. Whatever environmental condition that you’re at your body’s job is to adjust to that.

The reason is that our hair are pumping out oil to naturally lubricate and moisturize the scalp. So when you wash your hair too often it washes away the natural oils. Leaving your hair dry and prone to damage. And when you are shampooing only focus on the scalp area. Don’t necessarily go down to the end of the hair. That’s because hair ends are already dry and when you shampoo it further dry out the ends. This results in split ends. Choose a gently hydrating and moisturizing shampoo. Also use less hair styling products as much as possible.
Switch towel to T’s
Another really great tip that I can give you guys is to switch your towel to an old t-shirt that you don’t wear anymore. Any soft t-shirt will do. Drying your hair with a t-shirt cause less physical friction and its way softer and way gentler to your hair damaging.

UV Damage
Last but not least. We have UV damage Yes, that’s correct. UV damage to the hair is actually a thing of course, it can damage the texture of your hair. But it also does damage the cuticles of the hair. Because the protein part of the hair is very photosensitive. And it can degrade when it is exposed to UVA and UVB. And it can also further produce free radicals. Signs of sun damage hair includes discoloration, dry and brittle strands, broken or split ends. And thinning and just frizziness in general. So avoid the direct sun exposure as much as possible. And wear hats or use an umbrella.

When it comes to your hair there’s several things that you can do to make it healthier thicker and even grow faster. Such as hair mask and other topical treatments. But the truth is that there’s no topical treatment that’s going to work for you in the long term. If you have an underlying nutritional deficiency that’s linked to hair loss and hair damage. And so that’s what we’re going to cover in today’s article. We are gonna talk about the nutrients that are absolutely essential for your hair health. And foods from which you can get them. So let’s begin.