Food Life Book - Page 8 of 12 - Adding Life to Years!

Fat Burner Weight Loss Smoothies

Hey guys today I’m sharing three weight loss smoothies. These take no time to make the ingredients are easily available. They taste heavenly are filling. So instead of having high carb low nutrition foods like bread in your breakfast have one of these smoothies. And you’ll feel full and satisfied. To begin with, let’s take … Read more

Why Do You Need To Drink Water?

Whether you’re drinking water to lose weight or are just interested in finding out what happens when you drink water on an empty stomach, you have reached the right place! ? Water has many different health benefits, but not enough people know about all these health benefits. It is pretty common knowledge that the majority … Read more

How To Stay Motivated To Lose Weight?

Control your weight

If you want to drop the pounds and lose weight you have to have a pumped-up attitude. Because motivation as we know is everything and today we’re going to talk about motivation. How do you get motivated? How do you stay motivated when you’re trying to lose weight? These are great questions you all must … Read more

How To Train Your Brain To Sleep Better!

Challenges like depression anxiety or relational problems are common in our lives. And one of the most common associated problems that they have is difficulty sleeping. This shows up as either having a hard time falling asleep, staying asleep or just feeling tired all the time. Getting enough quality sleep can make your brain function … Read more

List of Mediterranean Food

Hey guys! Today I wanted to just talk a little bit more about what the real Mediterranean diet is. And we will look at a list of Mediterranean food that you can eat on this diet. So for a lot of us our experience of Mediterranean or what we think is the experience is we … Read more

What Are The Benefits of Mediterranean Diet?

The Mediterranean diet has a long-standing reputation as one of the healthiest eating patterns around. It’s flexible and rich in flavorful foods. And because of the numerous health benefits of Mediterranean diet it’s also considered one of the most popular plans among dieters. In fact the Mediterranean diet has a link to increased weight loss. … Read more

Healthy Mediterranean Food

Healthy food is all about the balance of vitamins and minerals. That our body needs on a daily basis to carry out its normal functions. Choosing the right kind of food and then eating your food in moderation is the key to a healthy well balanced life. So today we are doing healthy Mediterranean food … Read more

Lunch Ideas for Mediterranean Diet

Hey guys! I’m back with lunch ideas for Mediterranean diet. I’ve got some super easy and quick recipes for you. Most of these recipes can actually be made in under 15 minutes. Sound’s fun right? It actually is simple you’ll be in and out of kitchen in just 15 minutes with a delicious and healthy … Read more

Fill Up On These Best Mediterranean Foods!

What makes the Mediterranean diet so unique is that it isn’t just one or two staple foods. Or the macro-nutrient ratios or anything like that. It comes down to just a coordinated effort. A symphony of different powerful anti-inflammatory things that work so well within the body. There’s a reason that the Mediterranean region is … Read more