Processed foods

Reasons Why Processed Foods Aren’t Good!

We hear that processed foods aren’t good for us. But why exactly aren’t they good for us? So, in this article, we are talking about processed foods. And why they aren’t the best for our health. Now, I’m not saying that you need to cut out processed foods completely and that they are toxic and…

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Mediterranean Diet Pyramid

Mediterranean Diet Pyramid

In order to encourage lifestyle changes, Oldways a nonprofit nutrition organization developed the “Mediterranean Diet Pyramid” in 1993. The pyramid focuses on the food groups and their frequencies, how often you can eat food from certain groups without restricting anything and that’s the best thing about the Mediterranean style of eating, it gives you choices….

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Tips to improve your cooking

Simple changes to improve your cooking!

Becoming a better cook isn’t about learning one big skill. Rather it’s about incorporating tons of small individual skills over time. And today I’m sharing with you tiny changes that will dramatically improve your cooking. These don’t require a ton of time, effort or money. But they will make you a significantly better home cook….

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Mediterranean dinner recipes

Quick Mediterranean Dinner Recipes

Having a healthy and wholesome dinner is as important as any other meal of the day. Our body needs a sustained release of energy to carry out its basic function even while we sleep. A healthy and light dinner is important for good metabolism, it improves digestion, resilience from stress or inflammation and overall optimal…

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Mediterranean lunch

Easy Mediterranean Lunch Recipe Ideas

Wondering what to make for lunch? Well, I’ve got healthy easy Mediterranean lunch ideas for you. The Mediterranean diet focuses on fresh produce that keeps you healthy without limiting your choices. Here are a few easy yet delicious recipes, you can pack these for your lunch at work or enjoy them at home. Creamy Mediterranean…

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Breakfast tips

Mediterranean Breakfast Ideas and Recipes

As we know Mediterranean diet emphasizes eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and foods like nuts and seeds and fish. And these ingredients can create a variety of delicious and filling Mediterranean breakfasts. So, without wasting any more time let’s jump in. And identify six of the simplest yet best things to eat…

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Diet for diabetes

Best Diet for Diabetes Keto, Vegan or Mediterranean

A lot of diets claim to provide the best health benefits for people with diabetes but when considering a diet for diabetes it’s important to make wise choices rather than quick fixes. For long term and lasting health, you need to emphasize on good nutrition. So go for practical options and lifestyle changes that you…

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Pantry items

Mediterranean diet- Shopping List Part 2

In part one of the Mediterranean diet shopping list, we talked about things you have to buy every single week. Now in part 2, the list is a little bit longer. Here we talked about things that you need to keep on hand. So, there are pantry items, things that last a little bit longer….

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Anti Inflammatory Diet

18 Anti Inflammatory Foods in Mediterranean Diet

There are a lot of anti-inflammatory foods that we can eat in our daily life. And they happen to reduce inflammation. So not only are you going to be eating to feel better. You’re going to help your body reduce that inflammation and that bloating. And all this happens naturally too. So real quick I…

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Foods to buy in Mediterranean diet

Mediterranean Diet – Shopping List Part 1

Hi everyone today I want to talk to you about how to shop for the Mediterranean diet. It’s the number one question that comes into mind when people want to start the Mediterranean diet. What should they pick up when they go to the supermarket. In this article, we will talk about the items that…

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