Nutrition and fitness

Your Guide To Healthy Eating Part One

In this article, I am going to share healthy eating nutrition tips with you guys. And I think you’re especially gonna love these ones. Because they’re gonna help you improve your meal and snack choices and just boost healthy eating and nutrition all-around. Now some of these tips you might have heard of before, some…

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Green leafy vegetable

Healthiest Green Leafy Vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are some of the most important foods. But the fact is that only few Americans meet the minimum requirement of these nutritional powerhouses. They provide you with essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibers that keep you healthy. The best part is that there’s so many of them to choose from. And today…

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Mediterranean Diet For Weight Loss

Maybe you’ve heard of the Mediterranean diet. Maybe you’ve thought that sounds nice wine, olive oil, pasta sounds delicious. But I’m interested in losing weight I need something more hardcore. I need something that will work. And if that’s you, if that’s your thinking about the Mediterranean diet. Then I’m here to tell you that…

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Get maximum nutrinets from food

Different Ways of Conserving Nutrients in Vegetables

Everyone’s all about eating healthy these days. What has more nutrients? Is this kale free range? Today I’m going to help you out and let you know how to preserve most nutrients from your veggies. Vegetables are awesome for you. Because they’re chock full of essential vitamins that we need. Our body can’t make these…

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Effect of heat on nutrients

Does Cooking Affect Vitamins in Food?

We are so fixated on getting enough vitamins. And taking the right vitamins and getting a multivitamin in. So let’s talk about how cooking can affect the absorption of vitamins. Because this is one of the frequently asked questions that how does cooking affect a vitamin? Does it denature? Does it break it down so…

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Load Up On These Healthy Salad Recipes!

We all know including vegetables and fruits in our diet is necessary for the proper nutrients. A salad might sound boring. But it’s the easiest way to get all the minerals and vitamins your body needs. It also helps increase your intake of antioxidants as well. The pigments in plants are rich in carotenoids, including…

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Mediterranean salad recipes

Healthy Mediterranean Salad Recipes

There are no doubt salads are good for your health. Whether you’re trying to lose weight or increase your fruits and veggies, salads are the way to go. Salads give you a healthy gut and help regular bowel movements. Along with stronger bones they also prevent the risk of cancers. Let’s talk about the Mediterranean…

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Whole grains

Types of Whole Grains You Need to Consume!

Whole grains are little wonder foods. Nutritional powerhouses are not only good for us but also add a whole new level of variety to our cooking. They’re by far the best source of energy from a carbohydrate food. High in fibre and protein, they deliver the consistent energy our bodies need. They also contain many…

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Whole grains in Mediterranean Diet

All You Need To Know About Whole Grains!

Everyone’s talking about whole grains. And they are also an important component of our Mediterranean Diet. The US 2010 dietary guidelines recommend that Americans eat at least half their grain intake as whole grains. So what is a whole grain? Any food made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley or another cereal grain is considered…

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Olives olive oil and olive leaf extract

Importance of Mediterranean Diet Olives

Olives are small fruits that grow on olive trees. They belong to a group of fruit called droops or stone fruits. And are related to mangoes, cherries, peaches, almonds and pistachios. Olives are extracted to produce olive oil. Which is one of the key components of the incredibly healthy Mediterranean diet. You can enjoy Mediterranean…

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