Warning Signs You Have Vitamin D Deficiency

When you talk about vitamin D deficiency, the first thing that people think about is osteoporosis. And fractures or loss of bone density. Far from it in this article, you will be surprised as to how many diseases people suffer that are directly related to vitamin D deficiency. Read till the end to learn more….

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Look 10 Years Younger With Anti-Aging Vitamins

Hey guys! Today we’re gonna talk about how to look at least 10 years younger. Okay so I’m gonna tell you a secret. But if I tell you this you have to promise not to tell anyone, okay? This is just between you and me in the four walls. Well, I’m just totally kidding around….

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What Type of Exercise You Can Do?

By now you already know the difference between exercise and physical activity. And the numerous benefits of exercise for your body, brain and skin. We discussed that in detail in our last article. Now let’s talk about the different types of exercises, how do they differ and what do they do in terms of your…

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Healthy hair

12 Essential Nutrients For Hair Health

When it comes to your hair there’s several things that you can do to make it healthier thicker and even grow faster. Such as hair mask and other topical treatments. But the truth is that there’s no topical treatment that’s going to work for you in the long term. If you have an underlying nutritional…

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Healthy lifestyle

How Your Lifestyle Impacts Your Skin Health?

We kick started the healthy skin series with a diet and nutrition article. That to me is the foundation of healthy skin and today we’re going to continue. We’re gonna talk about lifestyle and how it has an impact on your skin health. Anyway let’s talk about the lifestyle. 1. Reduce Stress The first tip…

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Diet fro healthy skin

What Does Your Diet Tell About Your Skin Health?

Healthy skin in my opinion is a combination of different factors diet, lifestyle and skin care. In today’s are we’re kick-starting a two-part skin care series. Today we’re gonna talk about diet and nutrition and how it effects your skin. Let’s dive into the tips. These tips will be mainly for reducing things like: Redness…

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Healthy Legumes You Need To Have in Your Pantry

For today’s article we are covering the absolutely delicious and often overlooked legumes. Dried beans, peas and lentils all belong to the legume family. Legumes are among the most versatile and nutritious foods available. And you can eat these legumes all year round in a chilly cold winter’s day to a bean salad on a…

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Fitness exercises

The Importance of Exercise For Your Health

Along with balanced diet physical activity and exercise play an immediate and important role in long term health. It improves your quality of life by decreasing your risk of chronic diseases. And today we’re going to talk about exercise and physical activity. And the importance of exercise. According to an article published by the Harvard…

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The ABCDs of Vitamins

We all remember taking vitamins as kids but what exactly are these vitamins and what do they do? This article explains what vitamins are and their functions in the body. We will be taking a closer look at four of these vitamins and their function. And the consequences when we’re deficient in any of them….

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Health and fitness

Part Two: Your Guide To Healthy Eating

Hey guys, so this is the part two of my healthy eating guide. If you haven’t read part one, make sure you read that too. Anyway let’s continue. A Handful Of Berries A Day You know how they say an apple a day keeps the doctor away? It’s more like something that berries are capable…

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