6 Different Types of Vegetarian Diet

Vegetarian diet has become popular over the last few years. There are various reasons for it. One is a huge shift towards including more fruits and veggies in our diet. It has multiple positive effects on your health. You get loads of fiber, vitamins, antioxidants,  and minerals from them. But are all vegetarian diets the same? It turns out no!…

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What Is The Best Anti-Aging Diet?

The question today is based on anti-aging and it’s a big subject. What are the things that we should start with, in terms of our diet when we want to slow the process of Aging. First of all I think the term anti-aging is not really a right one and a good one. Because when…

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Dietary and Lifestyle Management of Arthritis

If you feel pain and stiffness in your body or have trouble moving around you might have arthritis. Most kinds of arthritis cause pain and swelling in your joints. Joints are places where two bones meet such as your elbow or knee. Over time a swollen joint can become severely damaged. Some kinds of arthritis…

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How Intermittent Fasting Helps in Weight Loss?

Intermittent Fasting is a topic that is catching the world by storm. A lot of people are doing it. For some reason, people think of it as a magic way to get skinny or to get rid of extra fat, or to get in the right shape. There are certainly other reasons but for the…

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Natural Foods For Weight Gain

While most of us are struggling to lose weight, there are others who want to put on a few extra kilos. Well, that should be easy right? But it’s not that simple. Although being lean is often a sign of good health, being underweight can be a concern if it’s the result of poor nutrition. Just as losing weight requires…

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Treat Iron Deficiency Anemia with Proper Diet

Many people suffer from iron deficiency anemia for many years and it causes a huge amount of symptoms. And unfortunately, many of these people don’t know that they suffer from iron deficiency anemia.  So what is iron deficiency anemia? Well let’s start with the basics what is iron deficiency? Well iron is a tiny little…

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Fat Burner Weight Loss Smoothies

Hey guys today I’m sharing three weight loss smoothies. These take no time to make the ingredients are easily available. They taste heavenly are filling. So instead of having high carb low nutrition foods like bread in your breakfast have one of these smoothies. And you’ll feel full and satisfied. To begin with, let’s take…

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Healthy Mediterranean Food

Healthy food is all about the balance of vitamins and minerals. That our body needs on a daily basis to carry out its normal functions. Choosing the right kind of food and then eating your food in moderation is the key to a healthy well balanced life. So today we are doing healthy Mediterranean food…

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Lunch Ideas for Mediterranean Diet

Hey guys! I’m back with lunch ideas for Mediterranean diet. I’ve got some super easy and quick recipes for you. Most of these recipes can actually be made in under 15 minutes. Sound’s fun right? It actually is simple you’ll be in and out of kitchen in just 15 minutes with a delicious and healthy…

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Load Up On These Healthy Salad Recipes!

We all know including vegetables and fruits in our diet is necessary for the proper nutrients. A salad might sound boring. But it’s the easiest way to get all the minerals and vitamins your body needs. It also helps increase your intake of antioxidants as well. The pigments in plants are rich in carotenoids, including…

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